On Sat, 2023-08-12 at 08:48 +0200, Francesco Ariis wrote:
> Is there any repository, or site, or blog we can follow to get news about 
> this?
Great question! I don't have access to the old repository, mailing list, and 
bug trackers yet, but here are some places where you can keep track of things.

Until I get access to the old resources, you can follow me atΒ 
@jsc...@fosstodon.org (https://fosstodon.org/@jscott on the Web) or subscribe 
to the RSS feed https://fosstodon.org/@jscott.rss but that obviously might 
encompass more generic topics.

I am a Debianite and I'm on my way to becoming an official maintainer (woo!), 
so I'm going to wear two hats and maintain Monkeysphere upstream and 
downstream. For Debian Monkeysphere news you can check out the Debian Package 
Tracker at https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/monkeysphere which lets you 
'Subscribe' to get emails on activity, they've got an RSS feed, or you can 
check out the Debian Git repo on Salsa which also allows email subscription and 
has RSS feeds https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-privacy-team/monkeysphere

Reduce, reuse, and recycle: why make a fresh public key pair when you can 
reduce, reuse, and recycle one you've already got? That's what it's all about, 
not even necessarily about OpenPGP, but OpenPGP does happen to be the most 
versatile cryptosystem (supports a lot of trust models and configurations) 
which makes it the most appealing target. My vision for Monkeysphere is to make 
it a cluster of scripts, conversion utilities, and above all inspiration to 
innovative application development where the current gaps are.

Thanks for your interest!

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