On Mittwoch, 29. November 2023 03:52:36 CET Felix E. Klee wrote:
> So `gpg --card-status` imports [SC] and [E], but not [A]:
>     $ rm ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/*
>     $ ls -a1 ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/
>     .
>     ..
>     $ gpg --card-status
>     […]
>     Signature key ....: 7A0F E73D DB74 4F0F 9734  1DA7 1BE3 49D1 1B6E
>     D589
>           created ....: 2023-06-29 03:50:43
>     Encryption key....: DBBD 3239 D0F1 4326 808D  FC8F 7CC0 2D68 D2E3
>     1736
>           created ....: 2023-06-29 03:50:43
>     Authentication key: 7A0F E73D DB74 4F0F 9734  1DA7 1BE3 49D1 1B6E
>     D589
>           created ....: 2023-06-29 03:50:43
>     […]
>     sec>  rsa4096/1BE349D11B6ED589  created: 2023-06-29  expires: never
>                                     card-no: 0006 18698016
>     ssb>  rsa4096/7CC02D68D2E31736  created: 2023-06-29  expires: never
>                                     card-no: 0006 18698016
>     ssb#  rsa4096/32B106F6877CC64B  created: 2023-11-22  expires: never
>     $ gpg --list-keys --keyid-format LONG --with-keygrip yubi...@f76.eu
>     pub   rsa4096/1BE349D11B6ED589 2023-06-29 [SC]
>           7A0FE73DDB744F0F97341DA71BE349D11B6ED589
>           Keygrip = 0E67508AC6866D82ABB95E0B53CF5D18DC48A786
>     uid                 [ultimate] Felix E. Klee (YubiKey) <yubikey@[…]>
>     sub   rsa4096/7CC02D68D2E31736 2023-06-29 [E]
>           Keygrip = 07D6164F019D2EDF59C650992CF93776B2DD17F2
>     sub   rsa4096/32B106F6877CC64B 2023-11-22 [A]
>           Keygrip = 9C67E5BBB72EF0BF2625792F8F134CE4FD961FF5
>     $ ls -a1 ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/
>     .
>     ..
>     07D6164F019D2EDF59C650992CF93776B2DD17F2.key
>     0E67508AC6866D82ABB95E0B53CF5D18DC48A786.key
> To me it looks like [A] is on the Yubikey, as it should.
> *But how do I get the private key stub for [A] imported?*

If you compare the information for Signature key and Authentication key you'll 
notice that they are identical. Further, if you compare the information for 
Authentication key and the A subkey of you'll see that the key ID of the A 
subkey doesn't match the fingerprint of the Authentication key (which is 
logical because the Authentication key is identical to the SC key.

Hint: Add --with-fingerprint (maybe twice) to --list-keys to see the 
fingerprints of the subkeys.

I don't know how you did it, but it looks like you have overwritten the 
Authentication key on your Yubikey with the SC key. Or your Yubikey or gpg is 
seriously broken.


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