On 2024-05-06 Werner Koch <w...@gnupg.org> wrote:
> On Sat,  4 May 2024 18:45, Andreas Metzler said:

> >     rG0a355b2fe7d8 gpg: Add compatibility flag "vsd-allow-ocb"
> >     rGa545e14e8a74 gpg: Support OCB encryption.

> > Which understand to mean that 2.2.43 would by default both generate keys
> > with 'AEAD: OCB' and use OCB when encrypting to keys with that flag set.
> > And this behavior could have been disabled with '--compatibility-flags

> No misunderstood this.  OCB encryption is indeed supported regardless of
> the compatibiliy flag.

> What the compatibility flag does is to allow OCB also in
> --compliance=de-vs mode.

Hello Werner,
So in my test  (without --compliance=de-vs) 2.2.43 /should/ have
automatically used OCB when encrypting for a key which has 'AEAD: OCB'

cu Andreas
`What a good friend you are to him, Dr. Maturin. His other friends are
so grateful to you.'
`I sew his ears on from time to time, sure'

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