Am 07. Mar 2009, um 13:12:12 schrieb Tim Spriggs:


As has been pointed out, the sun kerberos package has several extensions
that are required to get some solaris features to work. I assume that
would include eg. tickets for kerberized NFS for the NFS client in
kernel space would need access to the user's ticket for authentication.

If this is indeed the case, User Expectation is that after kinit they
are authorized to those services. On Ubuntu, this may even mean having
gotten the kerberos tickets through logon.
Having two sets of kerberos tools, one for "this", and another for
"that" means that Nexenta developers will rightfully be bashed for
misunderstanding the "single" in Single-Sign-On.

Please someone with detailed Solaris kerberos experience confirm or deny
this, for if it is true, there is thus only two ways out:
Either Ubuntu Kerberos gets extended with Solaris patches, or Solaris
Kerberos gets promoted "standard kerberos", and Ubuntu Kerberos goes
away (ie. is replaced with a dummy package). This will likely involve
changing the location of some binaries (sun krb5-config has to go to
/usr/bin then), and a rebuild of all packages linking kerberos libs.
(unless the packages are binary compatible which i highly doubt)


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