Author: rfm
Date: Wed Jul 13 10:58:23 2016
New Revision: 39995

More OSX compatibility changes


Modified: libs/base/trunk/ChangeLog
--- libs/base/trunk/ChangeLog   (original)
+++ libs/base/trunk/ChangeLog   Wed Jul 13 10:58:23 2016
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+2016-07-13  Richard Frith-Macdonald <>
+       * Source/NSRunLoop.m (-acceptInputForMode:beforeDate:):
+       Closer to OSX behavior ... when accepting input we should fire all
+       timers (possibly repeatedly) since a timer is not counted as an
+       input source.  Also simplify housekeeping timer so that it will
+       keep loops running as it does on OSX.
 2016-07-12  Niels Grewe <>
        * Headers/Foundation/NSObjCRuntime.h

Modified: libs/base/trunk/Source/NSRunLoop.m
--- libs/base/trunk/Source/NSRunLoop.m  (original)
+++ libs/base/trunk/Source/NSRunLoop.m  Wed Jul 13 10:58:23 2016
@@ -749,7 +749,6 @@
       if (nil != current && [GSCurrentThread() isMainThread] == YES)
           NSAutoreleasePool            *arp = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
-          GSRunLoopCtxt                        *context;
           NSNotificationCenter         *ctr;
           NSNotification               *not;
           NSInvocation                 *inv;
@@ -768,27 +767,13 @@
           [inv setArgument: &not atIndex: 2];
           [inv retainArguments];
-          context = NSMapGet(current->_contextMap, NSDefaultRunLoopMode);
-          if (context == nil)
-            {
-              context = [GSRunLoopCtxt alloc];
-              context = [context initWithMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode
-                                        extra: current->_extra];
-              NSMapInsert(current->_contextMap, context->mode, context);
-              RELEASE(context);
-            }
-          if (context->housekeeper != nil)
-            {
-              [context->housekeeper invalidate];
-              DESTROY(context->housekeeper);
-            }
           timer = [[NSTimer alloc] initWithFireDate: nil
                                            interval: 30.0
                                              target: inv
                                            selector: NULL
                                            userInfo: nil
                                             repeats: YES];
-          context->housekeeper = timer;
+          [current addTimer: timer forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
           #ifdef RL_INTEGRATE_DISPATCH
           // We leak the queue drainer, because it's integral part of RL
@@ -979,6 +964,131 @@
   return YES;
+- (NSDate*) _limitDateForContext: (GSRunLoopCtxt *)context
+  NSDate               *when = nil;
+  NSAutoreleasePool     *arp = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
+  GSIArray             timers = context->timers;
+  NSTimeInterval       now;
+  NSDate                *earliest;
+  NSDate               *d;
+  NSTimer              *t;
+  NSTimeInterval       ti;
+  NSTimeInterval       ei;
+  unsigned              c;
+  unsigned              i;
+  ei = 0.0;    // Only needed to avoid compiler warning
+  /*
+   * Save current time so we don't keep redoing system call to
+   * get it and so that we check timer fire dates against a known
+   * value at the point when the method was called.
+   * If we refetched the date after firing each timer, the time
+   * taken in firing the timer could be large enough so we would
+   * just keep firing the timer repeatedly and never return from
+   * this method.
+   */
+  now = GSPrivateTimeNow();
+  /* Fire the oldest/first valid timer whose fire date has passed
+   * and fire it.
+   * We fire timers in the order in which they were added to the
+   * run loop rather than in date order.  This prevents code
+   * from blocking other timers by adding timers whose fire date
+   * is some time in the past... we guarantee fair handling.
+   */
+  c = GSIArrayCount(timers);
+  for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
+    {
+      t = GSIArrayItemAtIndex(timers, i).obj;
+      if (timerInvalidated(t) == NO)
+        {
+          d = timerDate(t);
+          ti = [d timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
+          if (ti < now)
+            {
+              GSIArrayRemoveItemAtIndexNoRelease(timers, i);
+              [t fire];
+              GSPrivateNotifyASAP(_currentMode);
+              IF_NO_GC([arp emptyPool];)
+              if (updateTimer(t, d, now) == YES)
+                {
+                  /* Updated ... replace in array.
+                   */
+                  GSIArrayAddItemNoRetain(timers,
+                    (GSIArrayItem)((id)t));
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                  /* The timer was invalidated, so we can
+                   * release it as we aren't putting it back
+                   * in the array.
+                   */
+                  RELEASE(t);
+                }
+              break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  /* Now, find the earliest remaining timer date while removing
+   * any invalidated timers.  We iterate from the end of the
+   * array to minimise the amount of array alteration needed.
+   */
+  earliest = nil;
+  i = GSIArrayCount(timers);
+  while (i-- > 0)
+    {
+      t = GSIArrayItemAtIndex(timers, i).obj;
+      if (timerInvalidated(t) == YES)
+        {
+          GSIArrayRemoveItemAtIndex(timers, i);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          d = timerDate(t);
+          ti = [d timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
+          if (earliest == nil || ti < ei)
+            {
+              earliest = d;
+              ei = ti;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  /* The earliest date of a valid timeout is copied into 'when'
+   * and used as our limit date.
+   */
+  if (earliest != nil)
+    {
+      [arp drain];
+      when = AUTORELEASE([earliest copy]);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      GSIArray         watchers = context->watchers;
+      unsigned         i = GSIArrayCount(watchers);
+      while (i-- > 0)
+        {
+          GSRunLoopWatcher     *w = GSIArrayItemAtIndex(watchers, i).obj;
+          if (w->_invalidated == YES)
+            {
+              GSIArrayRemoveItemAtIndex(watchers, i);
+            }
+        }
+      if (GSIArrayCount(context->watchers) > 0)
+        {
+          when = theFuture;
+        }
+      [arp drain];
+    }
+  return when;
  * Fires timers whose fire date has passed, and checks timers and limit dates
  * for input sources, determining the earliest time that any future timeout
@@ -996,124 +1106,11 @@
   if (context != nil)
       NSString         *savedMode = _currentMode;
-      NSAutoreleasePool        *arp = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
       _currentMode = mode;
-         GSIArray              timers = context->timers;
-         NSTimeInterval        now;
-          NSDate                *earliest;
-         NSDate                *d;
-         NSTimer               *t;
-         NSTimeInterval        ti;
-         NSTimeInterval        ei;
-          unsigned              c;
-          unsigned              i;
-         ei = 0.0;     // Only needed to avoid compiler warning
-         /*
-          * Save current time so we don't keep redoing system call to
-          * get it and so that we check timer fire dates against a known
-          * value at the point when the method was called.
-           * If we refetched the date after firing each timer, the time
-           * taken in firing the timer could be large enough so we would
-          * just keep firing the timer repeatedly and never return from
-           * this method.
-          */
-         now = GSPrivateTimeNow();
-         /* Fire housekeeping timer as necessary
-          */
-         if ((t = context->housekeeper) != nil)
-            {
-              if (timerInvalidated(t))
-                {
-                  DESTROY(context->housekeeper);
-                }
-              else if ([(d=timerDate(t)) timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] <= 
-                {
-                  [t fire];
-                  GSPrivateNotifyASAP(_currentMode);
-                  IF_NO_GC([arp emptyPool];)
-                 updateTimer(t, d, now);
-                }
-            }
-         /* Fire the oldest/first valid timer whose fire date has passed
-          * and fire it.
-          * We fire timers in the order in which they were added to the
-          * run loop rather than in date order.  This prevents code
-          * from blocking other timers by adding timers whose fire date
-          * is some time in the past... we guarantee fair handling.
-          */
-         c = GSIArrayCount(timers);
-         for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
-           {
-             t = GSIArrayItemAtIndex(timers, i).obj;
-             if (timerInvalidated(t) == NO)
-               {
-                 d = timerDate(t);
-                 ti = [d timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
-                 if (ti < now)
-                   {
-                     GSIArrayRemoveItemAtIndexNoRelease(timers, i);
-                     [t fire];
-                     GSPrivateNotifyASAP(_currentMode);
-                     IF_NO_GC([arp emptyPool];)
-                     if (updateTimer(t, d, now) == YES)
-                       {
-                         /* Updated ... replace in array.
-                          */
-                         GSIArrayAddItemNoRetain(timers,
-                           (GSIArrayItem)((id)t));
-                       }
-                     else
-                       {
-                         /* The timer was invalidated, so we can
-                          * release it as we aren't putting it back
-                          * in the array.
-                          */
-                         RELEASE(t);
-                       }
-                     break;
-                   }
-               }
-           }
-         /* Now, find the earliest remaining timer date while removing
-          * any invalidated timers.  We iterate from the end of the
-          * array to minimise the amount of array alteration needed.
-          */
-         earliest = nil;
-         i = GSIArrayCount(timers);
-         while (i-- > 0)
-           {
-             t = GSIArrayItemAtIndex(timers, i).obj;
-             if (timerInvalidated(t) == YES)
-               {
-                 GSIArrayRemoveItemAtIndex(timers, i);
-               }
-             else
-               {
-                 d = timerDate(t);
-                 ti = [d timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
-                 if (earliest == nil || ti < ei)
-                   {
-                     earliest = d;
-                     ei = ti;
-                   }
-               }
-           }
-          /* The earliest date of a valid timeout is copied into 'when'
-           * and used as our limit date.
-           */
-          if (earliest != nil)
-            {
-              when = [earliest copy];
-            }
+          when = [self _limitDateForContext: context];
          _currentMode = savedMode;
@@ -1122,32 +1119,6 @@
          [localException raise];
-      [arp release];
-      if (when == nil)
-        {
-         GSIArray              watchers = context->watchers;
-         unsigned              i = GSIArrayCount(watchers);
-         while (i-- > 0)
-           {
-             GSRunLoopWatcher  *w = GSIArrayItemAtIndex(watchers, i).obj;
-             if (w->_invalidated == YES)
-               {
-                 GSIArrayRemoveItemAtIndex(watchers, i);
-               }
-           }
-         if (GSIArrayCount(context->watchers) > 0)
-           {
-             when = theFuture;
-           }
-       }
-      else
-       {
-         AUTORELEASE(when);
-       }
       NSDebugMLLog(@"NSRunLoop", @"limit date %f in %@",
        nil == when ? 0.0 : [when timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate], mode);
@@ -1158,9 +1129,9 @@
  * Listen for events from input sources.<br />
  * If limit_date is nil or in the past, then don't wait;
- * just poll inputs and return,
- * otherwise block until input is available or until the
- * earliest limit date has passed (whichever comes first).<br />
+ * just fire timers, poll inputs and return, otherwise block
+ * (firing timers when they are due) until input is available
+ * or until the earliest limit date has passed (whichever comes first).<br />
  * If the supplied mode is nil, uses NSDefaultRunLoopMode.<br />
  * If there are no input sources or timers in the mode, returns immediately.
@@ -1178,82 +1149,94 @@
       mode = NSDefaultRunLoopMode;
+  context = NSMapGet(_contextMap, mode);
+  if (nil == context)
+    {
+      return;
+    }
   _currentMode = mode;
-  context = NSMapGet(_contextMap, mode);
   [self _checkPerformers: context];
-      /*
-       * If we have a housekeeping timer, and it is earlier than the
-       * limit date we have been given, we use the date of the housekeeper
-       * to determine when to stop.
-       */
-      if (limit_date != nil && context != nil && context->housekeeper != nil
-       && [timerDate(context->housekeeper) timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]
-         < [limit_date timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate])
-       {
-         limit_date = timerDate(context->housekeeper);
-       }
-      if (context == nil
-       || (GSIArrayCount(context->watchers) == 0
-         && GSIArrayCount(context->timers) == 0))
-       {
-         NSDebugMLLog(@"NSRunLoop", @"no inputs or timers in mode %@", mode);
-         GSPrivateNotifyASAP(_currentMode);
-         GSPrivateNotifyIdle(_currentMode);
-         /* Pause until the limit date or until we might have
-          * a method to perform in this thread.
-          */
-          [GSRunLoopCtxt awakenedBefore: nil];
-         GSPrivateCheckTasks();
-         if (context != nil)
-           {
-             [self _checkPerformers: context];
-           }
-         GSPrivateNotifyASAP(_currentMode);
-         _currentMode = savedMode;
-         [arp drain];
-         NS_VOIDRETURN;
-       }
-      /* Find out how much time we should wait, and set SELECT_TIMEOUT. */
-      if (limit_date == nil
-       || (ti = [limit_date timeIntervalSinceNow]) <= 0.0)
-       {
-         /* Don't wait at all. */
-         timeout_ms = 0;
-       }
-      else
-       {
-         /* Wait until the LIMIT_DATE. */
-         if (ti >= INT_MAX / 1000)
-           {
-             timeout_ms = INT_MAX;     // Far future.
-           }
-         else
-           {
-             timeout_ms = (ti * 1000.0);
-           }
-       }
-      NSDebugMLLog(@"NSRunLoop",
-        @"accept I/P before %d millisec from now in %@",
-       timeout_ms, mode);
+      BOOL      done = NO;
+      NSDate    *when;
       if ([_contextStack indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: context] == NSNotFound)
          [_contextStack addObject: context];
-      if ([context pollUntil: timeout_ms within: _contextStack] == NO)
-       {
-         GSPrivateNotifyIdle(_currentMode);
-       }
-      [self _checkPerformers: context];
-      GSPrivateNotifyASAP(_currentMode);
-      _currentMode = savedMode;
+      while (NO == done)
+        {
+          when = [self _limitDateForContext: context];
+          if (nil == when)
+            {
+              NSDebugMLLog(@"NSRunLoop",
+                @"no inputs or timers in mode %@", mode);
+              GSPrivateNotifyASAP(_currentMode);
+              GSPrivateNotifyIdle(_currentMode);
+              /* Pause until the limit date or until we might have
+               * a method to perform in this thread.
+               */
+              [GSRunLoopCtxt awakenedBefore: nil];
+              GSPrivateCheckTasks();
+              [self _checkPerformers: context];
+              GSPrivateNotifyASAP(_currentMode);
+              [_contextStack removeObjectIdenticalTo: context];
+              _currentMode = savedMode;
+              [arp drain];
+              NS_VOIDRETURN;
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              if (nil == limit_date)
+                {
+                  when = nil;
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                  when = [when earlierDate: limit_date];
+                }
+            }
+          /* Find out how much time we should wait, and set SELECT_TIMEOUT. */
+          if (nil == when || (ti = [when timeIntervalSinceNow]) <= 0.0)
+            {
+              /* Don't wait at all. */
+              timeout_ms = 0;
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              /* Wait until the LIMIT_DATE. */
+              if (ti >= INT_MAX / 1000)
+                {
+                  timeout_ms = INT_MAX;        // Far future.
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                  timeout_ms = (ti * 1000.0);
+                }
+            }
+          NSDebugMLLog(@"NSRunLoop",
+            @"accept I/P before %d millisec from now in %@",
+            timeout_ms, mode);
+          done = [context pollUntil: timeout_ms within: _contextStack];
+          if (NO == done)
+            {
+              GSPrivateNotifyIdle(_currentMode);
+              if (nil == limit_date || [limit_date timeIntervalSinceNow] <= 
+                {
+                  done = YES;
+                }
+            }
+          [self _checkPerformers: context];
+          GSPrivateNotifyASAP(_currentMode);
+          [context endPoll];
+        }
       /* Once a poll has been completed on a context, we can remove that
        * context from the stack even if it actually polling at an outer
@@ -1261,9 +1244,8 @@
        * have handled any events that the outer levels would have wanted
        * to handle, and the polling for this context will be marked as ended.
-      [context endPoll];
+      _currentMode = savedMode;
       [_contextStack removeObjectIdenticalTo: context];
-      NSDebugMLLog(@"NSRunLoop", @"accept I/P completed in %@", mode);
@@ -1273,6 +1255,7 @@
       [localException raise];
+  NSDebugMLLog(@"NSRunLoop", @"accept I/P completed in %@", mode);
   [arp drain];

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