Author: rfm
Date: Mon Sep 26 15:08:55 2016
New Revision: 40110

avoid sending message with struct return to nil


Modified: libs/webservices/trunk/GWSJSONCoder.m
--- libs/webservices/trunk/GWSJSONCoder.m       (original)
+++ libs/webservices/trunk/GWSJSONCoder.m       Mon Sep 26 15:08:55 2016
@@ -270,65 +270,71 @@
          NSMutableString       *m;
-         NSRange               r;
          m = [NSMutableString alloc];
          s = m = [m initWithBytes: ctxt->buffer + start
                             length: ctxt->index - start - 1
                           encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
-         r = NSMakeRange(0, [m length]);
-         r = [m rangeOfString: @"\\" options: NSLiteralSearch range: r];
-         while (r.length > 0)
-           {
-             unsigned  pos = r.location;
-             NSString  *rep;
-             c = [m characterAtIndex: pos + 1];
-             if ('u' == c)
-               {
-                 const char    *hex;
-                 unichar       u;
-                 if (pos + 6 > [m length])
-                   {
-                     ctxt->error = "short unicode escape in string";
-                     ctxt->index = ctxt->length;
-                     return nil;
-                   }
-                 hex = [[m substringWithRange: NSMakeRange(pos + 2, 4)]
-                   UTF8String];
-                 if (isxdigit(hex[0]) && isxdigit(hex[1])
-                   && isxdigit(hex[2]) && isxdigit(hex[3]))
-                   {
-                     u = (unichar) strtol(hex, 0, 16);
-                   }
-                 else
-                   {
-                     ctxt->error = "invalid unicode escape in string";
-                     ctxt->index = ctxt->length;
-                     return nil;
-                   }
-                 rep = [NSStringClass stringWithCharacters: &u length: 1];
-                  r.length += 5;
-               }
-             else
-               {
-                 if ('"' == c) rep = @"\"";
-                 else if ('\\' == c) rep = @"\\";
-                 else if ('b' == c) rep = @"\b";
-                 else if ('f' == c) rep = @"\f";
-                 else if ('r' == c) rep = @"\r";
-                 else if ('n' == c) rep = @"\n";
-                 else if ('t' == c) rep = @"\t";
-                 else rep = [NSStringClass stringWithFormat: @"%c", (char)c];
-                  r.length += 1;
-               }
-             [m replaceCharactersInRange: r withString: rep];
-             pos++;
-             r = NSMakeRange(pos, [m length] - pos);
-             r = [m rangeOfString: @"\\" options: NSLiteralSearch range: r];
-           }
-       }
+          if (nil != s)
+            {
+              NSRange       r = NSMakeRange(0, [m length]);
+              r = [m rangeOfString: @"\\" options: NSLiteralSearch range: r];
+              while (r.length > 0)
+                {
+                  unsigned     pos = r.location;
+                  NSString     *rep;
+                  c = [m characterAtIndex: pos + 1];
+                  if ('u' == c)
+                    {
+                      const char       *hex;
+                      unichar          u;
+                      if (pos + 6 > [m length])
+                        {
+                          ctxt->error = "short unicode escape in string";
+                          ctxt->index = ctxt->length;
+                          return nil;
+                        }
+                      hex = [[m substringWithRange: NSMakeRange(pos + 2, 4)]
+                        UTF8String];
+                      if (isxdigit(hex[0]) && isxdigit(hex[1])
+                        && isxdigit(hex[2]) && isxdigit(hex[3]))
+                        {
+                          u = (unichar) strtol(hex, 0, 16);
+                        }
+                      else
+                        {
+                          ctxt->error = "invalid unicode escape in string";
+                          ctxt->index = ctxt->length;
+                          return nil;
+                        }
+                      rep = [NSStringClass stringWithCharacters: &u length: 1];
+                      r.length += 5;
+                    }
+                  else
+                    {
+                      if ('"' == c) rep = @"\"";
+                      else if ('\\' == c) rep = @"\\";
+                      else if ('b' == c) rep = @"\b";
+                      else if ('f' == c) rep = @"\f";
+                      else if ('r' == c) rep = @"\r";
+                      else if ('n' == c) rep = @"\n";
+                      else if ('t' == c) rep = @"\t";
+                      else rep = [NSStringClass
+                        stringWithFormat: @"%c", (char)c];
+                      r.length += 1;
+                    }
+                  [m replaceCharactersInRange: r withString: rep];
+                  pos++;
+                  r = NSMakeRange(pos, [m length] - pos);
+                  r = [m rangeOfString: @"\\"
+                               options: NSLiteralSearch
+                                 range: r];
+                }
+            }
+        }
       return s;
   else if ('[' == c)

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