Le 15 avr. 05, à 21:35, cm a écrit :


I apologize for not having posted correctly, I didn't remenber the adress of the list and did a reply to a non related post.

Sorry again, and thanks for the answer. I just thought that with Etoilé
being a complete DE or even a complete system more source compatibility
with Apple was a possible goal and I interogated myself to know if it
was legally possible.

Well, Étoilé's goal never was to *clone* the Apple dektop or Apple API !

Concerning the API implementation, I don't see why legally (apart from software
patents problems) it should be a problem, as long as you use the public headers
for creating your implementation, and don't base your code on Apple's.

Nicolas Roard
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
 -Arthur C. Clarke

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