Using the CVS head, in core/base/Headers/Additions/GNUstepBase/
GSObjCRuntime.h the constant GNUSTEP_WITH_DLL is checked and only if
BUILD_libgnustep_base_DLL is defined is __MINGW32__ checked as to
whether GS_EXPORT and GS_DECLARE are defined as __declspec(dllexport).
This seems to cause problems building core/base/Tools/autogsdoc on
MinGW 3.2.0 since GNUSTEP_WITH_DLL is defined in its build process
but presumably BUILD_libgnustep_base_DLL is not?
Surely the lines
#if defined(__MINGW32__)
#define GS_EXPORT extern
#define GS_DECLARE
need to be moved outside the check for BUILD_libgnustep_base_DLL?
Otherwise, how does the autogsdoc code build for other MinGW
developers and particularly the developer who added the comment below?
/* On Mingw, the compiler will export all symbols automatically, so
* __declspec(dllexport) is not needed
Leigh M. Smith
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