
On Thursday, June 16, 2005, at 08:08 PM, Adrian Robert wrote:

I agree with Fabien's opinion (below). People are always interested to work on new features -- it seems like the CoreData stuff for example is already well on its way even though Tiger's just out -- but it's the more thankless work like fixing bugs and filling in rarely-invoked implementations that most needs to be compensated to occur at all.

I must agree with Adrian and Fabien. I discussed the matter on #irc too.

While I welcome the idea of attracting developers to complete and fix gnustep, I think starting from CoreData is the wrong place. Since we have limited resources, it would be better to complete -back and -gui, to better portability and get some long-needed applications in the Gnustep "system". Those things are needed anyway.

To rephrase a metaphor Jeff T. said: If you have limited money and two flat tires in your car, your money may be not best spent buying new alloy wheels!


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