
On Tuesday, June 28, 2005, at 12:04 PM, David Ayers wrote:

Alex Perez wrote:

David Ayers wrote:

Frameworks (or true frameworks as some people call them) currently only work on Darwin (and for Matt Rice ;-) ). Matt has a set of patches that actually add framework support to glibc, binutils and gcc for gnu-linux (and possibly gnu-hurd). He has tried integrating them upstream but has
not received any response from glibc maintainers, and anyone following
the general argumentation on new features of the main maintainers,
probably has to admit that framework support "probably never will" be
integrated into glibc.

Well, I think we just need to make it heard that we want such
functionality. Currently, the developers dont think anyone wants it, and
probably think Matt is just some crazy guy, which he is indeed not.

I don't mean to discourage anyone from trying, but I get the feeling
that even if a community as large as the entire Darwin/Mac OS X
community including Apple Inc. would violently support us, we would
still be considered the minority.  As reference, have a look at:


I don't know who this guy is and I hope I will never have to work with him plainly because his statements are stupid and he is not aware of the consequences that would arouse if such thinking was more widespread. Of course I understand his position and Minorities and majorities need to seek an agreement. Otherwise it is Microsoft all over again. I hope not all people are myopic (and taleban) like him. Thus maybe not all hope has to be abandoned.

On the other hand, it is true that "frameworks" are something unknown for the majority of peoples. We can hope in a more ample adoption of gnustep and objective C, so someone out there could rethink his ideas,


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