Le 3 juil. 05 à 01:33, Fred Kiefer a écrit :

I really would like to get this patch of Matt Rice into GNUstep GUI
before the next release, but in the current state I would not dare to do
so. I had another idea just the other day to minimize the effect of this
patch: WOuld it be possible to post the event we did get to much in the
NSTableView to the start of the queue again before calling the tracking
code on the cell?

Hi Fred,

I would say no, because custom cells like button cells or popup menu cells need to be notified immediately on mouseDown and not on mouseDragged or mouseUp (passing last recent mouseDown event doesn't workaround this point).  
To summarize a bit, I think when dragging occurs we have two cases to handle directly with mouseDown event :
1) clicked cells return NO to trackMouseMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp: 
    --> table view manages dragging
2) clicked cells return YES to trackMouseMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:
    --> table view doesn't do anything

For 1) more precisely :
- clicked cell is already selected --> table view initiates "real" dragging
- clicked cell isn't selected --> table view initiates selection change by "dragging"


Quentin Mathé

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