On 2005-07-08 07:33:33 +0100 Leigh Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Compiling and installing GNUstep on a WinXP SP2 machine works pretty well, command line tools compile and run without problems.

In the past applications have built and at least run. On the most recent (CVS head) version, my app dies attempting to load the bundle:

2005-07-07 09:15:25.000 AppComms.exe[3900] Disallowed time zone name `W. Australia Standard Time'. 2005-07-07 09:15:25.000 AppComms.exe[3900] Using time zone with absolute offset 0. 2005-07-07 09:15:25.000 AppComms.exe[3900] NSApplication.m:217 Assertion failed in initialize_gnustep_backend. Can't load object file from backend at path c:/GNUstep/System/Library/Bundles/ libgnustep-back.bundle
Error (objc-load):126
c:\msys\1.0\home\leigh\Sources\FTDITest\ThummerComms.app \ThummerComms.exe: Uncaught exception NSInternalInconsistencyException, reason: NSApplication.m:217 Assertion failed in initialize_gnustep_backend. Can't load object file from backend at path c:/GNUstep/System/Library/Bundles/ libgnustep-back.bundle

The bundle is indeed at this location.

I'm dubious about that ... there is a space in the path after the '.app' ... which is probably incorrect. Perhaps that's the cause of your trouble? Also, there is a space in 'c:/GNUstep/System/Library/Bundles/ libgnustep-back.bundle'
Any idea where the spaces come from?

Tracing further, the problem is in NSString -fileSystemRepresentation which calls NSFileManager -fileSystemRepresentationWithPath: which is returning the string prior to ":", therefore "c:/GNUstep/System/ Library/Bundles/libgnustep-back.bundle" returns "c".

NSFileManager -fileSystemRepresentationWithPath: uses NSString cStringUsingEncoding: NSUnicodeStringEncoding if the class is compiled with __MINGW__.

What is the current policy? Should NSApplication initialize_gnustep_backend() be attempting to load "c:/GNUstep" rather than "/c/GNUstep",


or should cStringUsingEncoding: properly handle DOS drive separators?

I'm not sure what you mean by that ... it should definitely not do anything special with DOS drive separators. All that method does is provide a pointer to a region of memory containing a representation of the string in the specified character encoding.

I would think the latter, but I'm not clear on what the policy of managing DOS pathnames is within the GNUstep community?

This has changed ... current policy is to handle paths in either unix or windows format internally, and to expect the interface to the outside world to use native format paths (ie not to perform translations).

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