Am Donnerstag, 08.09.05 um 16:53 Uhr schrieb Jeremy Bettis:

The huge benefit of writing software for windows is that there are millions of potential customers for you to sell/give your software to.

The huge benefit of running windows is that there are millions of "friends" who offer you to share their stolen software.

Sorry, I simply could not resist here. It might sound odd but I heart of many developers who were surprised on how much they actually could sell to Mac users despite the minor market share OS X has. I think it is a well pampered urban legend that the "huge Windows-market" makes you earning big profits. Never forget that the biggest piece of cake attracts the most hungry birds (e.g. competitors) and that the "warez" subculture flourishes there.

regards, Lars

p.s.: I have no objections against you as a windows developer, I merely just don't share the common views on that market. Nevertheless I think a stable Windows Version of GNUstep is very important - but this is another story than above: GNUstep is free software, so no profit problems here.

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