Citát Markus Hitter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Am 23.09.2005 um 08:48 schrieb Stefan Urbanek:
> > Citát Fred Kiefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> >> Adam Fedor wrote:
> >>
> >>> I've put together a list of projects that I'd like to get  
> >>> finished, and
> >>> that we perhaps could use some of our money for. If you'd like to  
> >>> help
> >>> fill this out, let me know.
> >>
> >> the idea of bounties for contributions to GNUstep is ok with me,  
> >> but I
> >> think that we should break down the parts we offer bounties for in
> >> smaller pieces.
> >
> > Take for example, how I and my colegues are doing it when we have  
> > to deal with
> > real projects - in tenders.[...] Why would not we use similar  
> > approach in OSS project GNUstep?
> Because from the commercial perspective, the price of a/the bounty is  
> neglible? I'd see it more like an extra candy, an encouragement to do  
> a more important project instead of that more eye catching one.  
> Perhaps an extra argument for commercial developers to improve  
> GNUstep for this project instead of linking that hackery used last time.

There are three ways:
1. voulenteer development
2. commercial development
3. paid developer

Even we are now discussing the 3rd way, the second way should be kept in mind.
Any ideas for encouraging the commercial developers? (if you mean companies by
that term)

> > I would suggest to prepare a wiki page with detailed request for  
> > development.
> > Each request should have:
> > - name/very short summary
> > - breakdown table
> > - contact person from GNUstep core developers who is responsible  
> > for that part
> > and who should be consulted (this is important)
> Yes. Even the process of defining tasks is already a first step to  
> get them solved.
> > The breakdown tables should contain columns (and perhaps column  
> > groups):
> > - partial task
> Yes. Don't forget a proper testsuite.
> > - estimated amount of work (units)
> > - type of work (to determine unit price)
> And the roughly expected price per man per hour would be where?

I forgot it, of course it should be there.

> > And at the beginning of the proposal a list of basic knowledge  
> > required should be mentioned (like in a job offer ad)
> Open source projects are typically open to everyone. Not sure wether  
> GNUstep should make a differece here. Some people need a week to get  
> something running, others a month. Since results can be verified  
> easily, I'd measure people by their results, not by their university  
> degree.

The purpose of mentioning the required basic knowledge is to provide more
information to the potential developer. Developers should faster decide whether
they would be able to perform the task or not without asking the list. It
shuold not serve as a selection process for us: "you do not know that, then you
should not do the task".

People learn and some of them want to learn. The list of required knowledge can
serve also as a list of knowledge that the developer of the task would learn or
would strenghten. If someone dares to implement a feature without required
knowledge, be so, but implement it right. That should be also mentioned on the
"call for developers" announcement.

Stefan Urbanek

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then
you win.
- Mahatma Gandhi

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