On 2005-10-25 09:37:19 +0100 Leigh Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In an application that indeed relies on distributed processes, this would be the price to pay, but after some review of the GNUstep base code, it seems the use of distributed notifications and distributed objects are tightly linked into the pasteboard server, application services and even deeper in the AppKit/gui, regardless of whether the application has any need for such functionality.

Yes and no ... if an app is genuinely standalone, and doesn't do pasteboard, services, or communicate with anything else, or need to be contacted by anything else (to shut it down for instance) it should be easy to hack the gui to stop setting up to use those facilities, but that's a very dumbed-down application

So my question is the degree to which gdomap and gdnc are indeed necessary for an application not requiring explicit use of inter- process comms and if NSMessagePortNameServer would address this (since I see NSMessagePorts are explictly excluded on the MinGW port).

Well, ideally someone would implement NSMessagePort and NSMessagePortNameServer for win32 ... removing the need for gdomap, thoiugh you would still need gdnc for workspace notifications unless you also modified NSWorkspace to use some other mechanism (eg writing to a file and polling the file for changes or some sort of peer to peer messaging for workspqace notifications).

Is it, or would it be, possible to build GNUstep's gui with a ./ configure option or use an NSUserDefault to limit notifications and objects to the running GNUstep application and not attempt to connect to the gdomap & gdnc servers and if so, any hints on implementing this?

You would want to hack NSPasteboard to deactivate it.
You would want to hack NSWorkspace to stop it trying to communicate with a workspace manager or send notifications. You would want to hack the NSApplication/Services provider stuff to stop the application making itsself available for things to connect to.

IMO that's the wrong thing to do though ... it's a case of throwing the baby out with the bathwater ... rather than disabling all the functionality until the problem goes away, you should be fixing the problem. While some apps may not need cut and paste, drag and drop, to provide services, to interact with a workspace etc these are all features which make for a good general experience.

I think that means ...
1. Implement the NSMessagePort stuff (perhaps windows messages could be used for that). 2. Either implement a distributed notification scheme that doesn't need a server, or work out a way to automatically start/stop gdnc so that users don't need to see it.

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