Roman Belenov wrote:
> 1) How to get a list of all running GNUstep applications ?
> launchedApplications seems to return only the list of apps launched from the
> current one. For now I just use a list of message ports obtained by examining
> corresponding subdirectory and treat everythying as a proxy for application.

We really should get [NSWorkspace launchedApplications] working. Some
years ago I suggested a solution for this involving some extensisons to
gdomap. Now with gdomap being used less often we will need a more
general way to implement it. Perhaps there is the possibility to extend
NSPortnameServer (or rather its subclasses) to return a list of all
known ports. The NSWorkspace method would then only need to filter out
the no longer working ports and restict the returned list to the ones
representing applications.

do you like that concept and would you be willing to implement the base
part of it? More or less it would be an official implementation of what
Roman is doing anyway.


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