On 2006-01-27 23:07:30 +0200 Richard Frith-Macdonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 27 Jan 2006, at 20:10, Enrico Sersale wrote:

On 2006-01-27 20:14:40 +0200 Richard Frith-Macdonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 27 Jan 2006, at 15:47, Enrico Sersale wrote:
I still think it would be good to get round to implementing the capability of asking the workspace manager to perform operations centrally, but we need to think about defining the api/protocol that NSWorkspace should use to talk to it. I don't see any reason why we need to design the whole thing at once though. We could just add methods as we want to implement them. What do you think are the most important operations that should be handled centrally?
There are not many operations.
Besides -performFileOperation::::: and - selectFile:inFileViewerRootedAtPath: that are already performed in the workspace application, I've implemented the following methods that seem to cover all the needed operations:
(in NSWorkspace this is called also by:
(in NSWorkspace this is called also by:
I've also -extendPowerOffBy: but, for the moment, it does nothing.
I've made sure that all those (with the exception of the private _launchApplication:arguments: method) try to ask the workspace manager for the information.
I also made -activeApplication query the workspace manager.

There is only a little problem:
NSWorkspace, in -_workspaceApplication, if its instance has been created by the the workspace application itself, returns nil; but there are many places in GWorkspace where [NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] is used for icons, for methods as - getInfoForFile:application:type: but also for launching an application or for opening files. With the current implementation I should change [NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] with [GWorkspace gworkspace] in tens of places. Moreover, GWorkspace is made by various frameworks, bundles and classes where the GWorkspace class is not visible. What do you think about adding to the workspace application "protocol" a "+sharedInstance" class method to be called in - _workspaceApplication? With this solution -_workspaceApplication would return the local instance, avoiding any recursion.
Something like [[[NSBundle mainBundle] principalClass]  sharedInstance].

I'm pretty sure I don't understand.

The misunderstanding comes from the fact that I was not tinking that you 
suppose that the remote object returned by -_workspaceApplication is an istance 
of a NSWorkspace subclass.

The _workspaceApplication method is a private method to return a proxy to the remote workspace application ... with the idea being that NSWorkspace methods will call it to get the remote application ... and either use that remote application to do a job or, as a fallback mechanism when there is no remote application, do the job themselves. If the method returns the local instance of NSWorkspace, you get recursion.

Now this this is clear.

I *think* you may be saying that in GWorkspace works by, instead of subclassing NSWorkspace and overriding methods, expecting _workspaceApplication to be returning a proxy to another object in the application which implements the same methods?


If that's the case, probably the best thing to do would be to override _workspaceApplication (eg in a category) to return the object you want it to return.

This would work but I think that I'll make GWorkspace a subclass of NSWorkspace.

If we think other apps need to do that, I guess we should rename the method and make it public (possibly the effect you intend when suggesting adding a '+sharedInstance' method). However, I would have thought that the intuitive way to implement different behaviors in NSWorkspace would be to subclass it and use a category to override +sharedWorkspace and -init to return an instance of the subclass.

But perhaps I'm missing the point entirely ...

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