
The next Fosdem is coming soon (25&26 feb !) in Bruxelles, and we
should seriously finish the preparation of the GNUstep presence :-) --
sorry to send that mail only now, but I was really busy with

Talks Planning

The current planning is available on

Note that it indicates 45 minutes talks, but we can either shorten or
lenghten that..

I would like to ask everybody involved to check that this planning is
fine for them, and to talk to me or helge if there's any
modifications. If everything is ok I'll upload the final planning on
the fosdem website monday.

"Marketing" CD

It would be nice to create a proper gnustep cd featuring the gnustep
live cd, the fosdem presentations slides, documentation, etc. that we
can distribute or burn at the gnustep booth.

I would be *really* glad if somebody would to step in and accept to be
in charge of the CD, but if there is no candidate I'll try to do what
I can...

It would be really nice too if the speakers could send me their
presentation in advance, in order to include them on the CD :-) --
say, for the 20th.


I will probably be able to bring a video camera with me but that needs
to be confirmed. If somebody else can bring one tell me.


We need brochures, booklets, posters, etc. Anybody want to be in
charge of that part ?
particularly to check the documents, possibly update them..

I still have some brochures from last year I think, I'll check that.
What we need is color booklets though -- they were rather

One nice thing would be to have a GNUstep banner (simply a "GNUstep"
text + the logo) -- anybody knows where we could do that and for how
much ?

To finish with the booth, I think it would be really good to have at
least one "demonstration" PC showing a GNUstep environment. Anybody
can bring a spare laptop or even a tower+screen ? (a laptop would be
probably be better in fact, less annoying to carry ;-)


Fosdem is a very fun event with lots of interesting talks, and
particularly for the GNUstep crowd it's our annual event where we can
meet in real life :-)

As we're a bit late into the organization, I would really appreciate
any volunteer accepting to take care of a part of the organization --
particularly the marketing CD and the booklets/brochures printing

Talk Persons: please check the planning !!
Anybody else: please add yourself to the wiki if you're coming :-)

Any other interesting ideas gladly welcomed !

ps: I wanted to organize a friday meeting/coding party (the fosdem
beeing the saturday and sunday) to have the opportunity of getting rid
of some bugs,etc, before the actual event... is anybody interested ?
On the other hand, we could also organize some "coding party" during
the fosdem itself too..

Cheers and have fun,

Nicolas Roard
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
  -Arthur C. Clarke

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