On 2006-03-13 00:19:00 -0700 Richard Frith-Macdonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For what it's worth, I agree that we should test win32 before each release ... but I don't know that Adam and Gregory have win32 setups ... I do right now, but I didn't at the last release (actually, what I had was a completely dead intel workstation and a faulty ppc laptop at the time). It's quite likely they don't run windows routinely, in which case getting everything up

Right, I don't have a windows machine. Well, I do, but it's so old and slow it's not worth compiling stuff on it. I do test on every machine I have access to.

Actually, a possible enhancement to the testfarm would be if it was aware of release branches somehow, and could test the latest release branches as well as the trunk.

That would be nice, but it doesn't do that now, just compiles from the trunk.

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