
I have read:


As far as I was told few weeks ago, it is not possible to draw directly into a
bitmap in GNUstep. See "Drawing Directly to a Bitmap" section in the referenced

As the bitmap output from AppKit/-gui should be the same in all environments
(Linux, Windows, OS X,...) I think that the bitmap drawing should be done with
one "bitmap drawing backend" for all environments.

Would it be possible to pick one bitmap drawing library and use it in -gui? For
on-screen drawing, environment native drawing library should be used, so -back
will stay as it is.

Or ... what about having bundles for each type/class of NSGraphicsContext? Then
I one would be able to use, for example, art(screen)+art(bitmap) under linux,
GDI(screen)+art(bitmap) under windows and he will get same bitmap results under
both environments.

What do you think about it?

Stefan Urbanek

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then
you win.
- Mahatma Gandhi

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