Hi Stefan,

Stefan Urbanek wrote:
> On 15/03/06, Adam Fedor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 2006-03-15 07:53:12 -0700 Stefan Urbanek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> Looks like all necessary code is already in GNUstep, it is just a
>>> matter of
>>> "rewiring" it. But well ... I do not see much into the internals...
>> Oh yes, actually doing the work - well that's the hard part :-)
> Excuse me, but I take this from you as a little offence with the
> meaning:"do not talk, just code". Following text is not going to be
> only about the issue, but about general attitude on this list. This
> attitude is repeating on this list again and again...

I think you mail has already been answered by Richard most appropriatly.
There was a misunderstanding and surely no offence.
When I do answer to your mail it is not about that, but because I should
have answered to your mails in the first place. It looks like I am
currently the only GNUstep developer working on back and the interaction
between back and gui and also specifically on the cairo backend.

As Adam already stated some of your ideas are quite interesting and it
would be worthwhile to extend GNUstep in that direction. But this will
only happen if somebody takes the time to do this. It is not, as your
mail may suggest, that Adam as the project lead could just tell some
available resource to start working on that. There is nobody available
at the moment and even then it would be up to that person to decide
itself, what task to work on.

Why did I not reply to your mails yesterday and the day before? Because
then you would have expected me to actually work on this problem. All
that new graphic stuff that Apple did for 10.4 is surely interesting and
it would be great to have it in GNUstep as well and cairo may be a way
to get there, but somebody has to implement all that. I already have to
many open ends in GNUstep development, which I need to finish off first.

It surely is not your fault, but currently GNUstep dearly requires
developers working on the core libraries. Just look at the amount of
changes done this year on gui. In the first three months it was less
than on any of the first month of the previous year.

Discussions and ideas are important, we all agree on that, but coding
also is. And at the moment we don't have enough of the later.


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