I have been trying out Marko Riedel's Ticker application using an RSS feed from the subversion repository where I work.
It's really convenient, and I'm very impressed with it.
Would it be possible to have an RSS feed for updates of the GNUstep repository?

Marcus Muller set it up for us for the 'dragon' project at opera, and says it is pretty simple ...

--- snip ---
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:(~)$ ls -lA /svn/repos/dragon/hooks
total 4
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 333 Feb 15 21:05 post-commit
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:(~)$ cat /svn/repos/dragon/hooks/post-commit


/svn/bin/SVNTransactionDetailLogAppender.py $1 $2 $LOGFILE
/svn/bin/SVNTransactionDetailLogRDFGenerator.py $REPNAME https:// webdav.operatelecom.com/${REPNAME} $LOGFILE $RSS
exit 0
--- snap ---

The scripts can be found at: http://svn.mulle-kybernetik.com/SVNTools/ trunk/

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