On May 10, 2006, at 6:11 AM, Hubert Chan wrote:
the FHS doesn't define things

BTW: before this starts to go in the wrong direction again, we are not talking about "just" FHS but integrating with the underlying operating systems conventions. Which may not use FHS but some other FS structure.

We are just using the FHS name because we have no better word for it and because its the most common layout :-)

What we actually refer to is more like "flat ld.so/Unix lookup process", that is, lookup based on the "regular" Unix lookup approaches (PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc).


PS: FHS doesn't specify ~bin/~lib etc because FHS is concerned about system packages, not on user customizations. And system packages never install into ~. Well, at least thats how I understand it :-)

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