Hi folks,

I wanted to use the shark performance tool on a web application again.
For that to work, I need a gnustep-base-additions on my mac.
I think I have to use apple runtime, otherwise shark will not work.
I just need -base or the additions in order to compile GSWeb. (No GUI)

Any hints? I did this before, but no luck with the SVN version today :-S


   _  _
 _(_)(_)_  David Wetzel, Turbocat's Development,
(_) __ (_) Buchhorster Strasse 23, D-16567 Muehlenbeck/Berlin, FRG,
  _/  \_   Fax +49 33056 82835 Phone +49 33056 82834
 (______)  http://www.turbocat.de/

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