On Wed, 08 Nov 2006 00:47:53 +0100, Fred Kiefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Hubert Chan schrieb:
>> Is there any interest in including my XPM NSImage support into
>> GNUstep GUI?  If so, I will sign the copyright form, and rework it as
>> a patch against GNUstep GUI, rather than as a standalone class.  If
>> not, I'll probably get it into Etoile.

> I would love to see support for XPM images and also many other format,
> but not directly in gui.

OK, that's fine.

FWIW, I'm hoping to (eventually) also work on SVG support (using
librsvg), PDF support (using PopplerKit, and implement Apple's
NSPDFImageRep API), and DjVu support.  (Roughly in that order.)

> We rather should have it as an image filter service. Of course
> somebody will have to write supporting code for that as well, but it
> seems like the better solution. And it should not be to hard doing
> this via the code already in NSPasteboard. But I don't have an idea on
> the tasks involved in writing the filter service.

Hmm... I'm not sure exactly what an image filter service is, or why it's
needed.  Right now, I'm just registering my class using NSImageRep's
+registerImageRepClass:, so if you ask NSImage to load an XPM file,
everything works fine.  What else is needed?

My current plan is to make it into a "user defined AppKit bundle",
instead of making it a library as I'm currently doing it, so that every
app can benefit from it.

Hubert Chan - email & Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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