Richard Frith-Macdonald schrieb:
> On 29 Dec 2006, at 01:26, Fred Kiefer wrote:
>> Could somebody please verify that this method does what I expect it to
>> do?
>> I need such a test within NSDocument. Here Apple takes special care that
>> if somebody has implemented the old interface methods for NSDocument in
>> a subclass, then these methods are actually called instead of the new
>> interface methods.
>> /*
>>  * Private helper method to check, if the method given via the
>> selector sel
>>  * has been overridden in the current subclass.
>>  */
>> - (BOOL)_hasOverridden: (SEL)sel
>> {
>>   // The actual signature is not important as we wont call the methods.
>>   IMP meth1;
>>   IMP meth2;
>>   meth1 = [self methodForSelector: sel];
>>   meth2 = [[NSDocument class] instanceMethodForSelector: sel];
>>   return (meth1 != meth2);
>> }
> I'm not sure what you mean by 'verify' ... but unless someone has
> overridden any of the three methods you use, I would expect the code to
> return 1 if the method for  _sel has been overridden, 0 otherwise.
> You can bypass issues with those methods being overridden by calling the
> appropriate runtime functions, however if someone has overridden the
> methods they probably did so for a reason, and bypassing them could 
> also cause problems.  So while using the runtime directly can help, it
> can also (if less likely) cause problems.  I would guess it is less
> likely to cause problems than cure them, so runtime use is probably
> better, but it's by no means certain.
> I suppose the most efficient implementation one could do would be
> something like ...
> GSObjCHasOverridden(Class baseClass, NSObject *instance, SEL selector)
> {
>   Class instanceClass = GSObjCClass(instance);
>   if (instanceClass == baseClass
>     || GSGetMethod(instanceClass, selector, YES. YES) ==
> GSGetMethod(base, selector, YES. YES))
>     {
>       return YES;
>     }
>   return NO;
> }
> which might be a candidate for inclusion in GSObjCRuntime.[hm]
> Of course, it might be worth being able to test overriding of class
> methods too, depending on whether you pass an instance or a class ....
> GSObjCHasOverridden(Class baseClass, id object, SEL selector)
> {
>   if (GSObjCIsClass(object))
>     {
>       if ((Class)object == baseClass
>         || GSGetMethod((Class)object, selector, NO. YES) ==
> GSGetMethod(base, selector, NO. YES))
>         {
>           return YES;
>         }
>     }
>   else
>     {
>       Class instanceClass = GSObjCClass(object);
>       if (instanceClass == baseClass
>         || GSGetMethod(instanceClass, selector, YES. YES) ==
> GSGetMethod(base, selector, YES. YES))
>         {
>           return YES;
>         }
>     }
>   return NO;
> }

Thank you very much for this code. This uses some fast but GNU runtime
specific functions. I will stick with my slower method of testing until
this implementation makes it into GSobjCRuntime and we also have an
abstraction that allows similar tests with the Apple runtime.


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