On 9 Feb 2007, at 17:55, Xavier Glattard wrote:

phew !

My brain boiled three times (and fried twice) before
i understand anything...
And many pieces of code are still quite obscure to me.
I would not be a very good compiler.
But i found out what you talk about.

Where you see a performance tweak I see... hum...
In french i would said 'un sac de noeuds' ;-)
(bag of knots)

Well, I'm not sure (would probably need to find the author of that bit of code and ask them), but I can't see any other reason for bypassing the run loop like that. I *think* all the calls to the 'calback' method could probably be commented out.

I wonder if the weird behaviors of my opengl test couldn't
be explained by this much more weird code.


About joystick support :
NSStream seems to be what i need :-)
Does it work ?

Yes ... but it's new and presumably has bugs/differences from the MacOS-X behaviors.

Do you plan to use streams instead of watchers ?

As I said, not until Apple make the stream/runloop api clearer, and maybe not even then. At the moment stream internals are built on top of watchers, and it may turn out that there is no need to change that.

If your aim is to write code portable to Apple, you need to use APIs that exist on Apple.

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