On 2007-02-10 11:48:55 -0800 Richard Frith-Macdonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The current setup was particularly designed to 'play nice with the rest of the world'. You can't get much nicer than a file in a standard location which both the shell and makefiles can use. A pkg-config file on the other hand does *not* play nice with the reset of the world. It can't be used except on systems where pkg-config is installed or where software is specially written to read it.

It seems to me that GNUstep.conf and pkg-config have rather different purposes. GNUstep.conf is distinctly more universal/portable which is critical for its intended use of relocating software and controlling options. On the other hand pkg-config metadata is convenient for getting command line flags but no good when pkg-config is not installed. So I like pkg-config as an option for external use, but not as a dependency... I'm in favor of gnustep-make storing the info it needs redundantly so that our makefiles can run reliably but people can use pkg-config externally.

I often need to build gnustep-base and proprietory software which uses it on solaris (and sometimes windows) systems that I don't own ... and the fewer packages I have to install to do it, the better.

The 'dependency' on pkg-config is exagerated actually... if pkg-config is not installed
as i somewhere in this thread suggested

GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES ?= $(shell pkg-config --variable=makefiles)
include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make

you could just set GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES and be done with it.

that line is functionally equivalent to
ifeq ($(origin GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES), undefined
  GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES = $(shell pkg-config --variable=makefiles)

and if you tried to ./configure something which required the gnustep pkg-config support
you'd get an error that pkg-config wasn't found in the configure.log

this was so that new makefiles could work with old gnustep-make versions
but is equally usable with new gnustep-makes without pkg-config.

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