On 19/3/07 20:33, "Fred Kiefer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The class you are asking for is NSStream plus its subclasses
> NSInputStream and NSOutputStream.
> Michael Hopkins wrote:
>> > 
>> > We want to convert a C library that reads from and writes to binary
>> > FILE* descriptors using fread() & fwrite() to do the same thing but
>> > accessing e.g. NSString or NSData objects instead.
>> > 
>> > Is there some accepted (cross-platform safe) way of doing this using
>> > Foundation/GNUstep-base?  We have the whole compatible subset of
>> > Cocoa Foundation and GNUstep-base available if a solution needs other
>> > classes to be involved.

Thanks a lot Fred

NSInputStream was perfect for reading and I used [NSMutableData appendBytes:
length: ] for the output.



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