Hello everyone!

After many months of development, we are happy to publicize a little more
our work.

We, at Inverse, have been working actively in the past few months on
Scalable Opengroupware.org (SOGo) and we created related projects
around it.

Here's what we've accomplished on various projects:

[ Scalable OpenGroupware.org ]

Based on the excellent work that already existed, we created an
"Inverse" branch for the project. Our goal is to mimic the look and
the functionality of the Mozilla application suite (Thunderbird /
Lightning / Sunbird) in order to have a perfect integration between
both. In pursuing that goal, we contributed to the project by adding,
among many other things:

- Fresh AJAX-based user interface which mimics the Thunderbird /
Lighthing / Sunbird look and feel
- Calendar and address book sharing capabilities using WebDAV ACLs
- Tasks support and vCard storage support for contacts
- Multiple address books and LDAP-based address books
- CalDAV support

We still actively work on the project and much more is to come very

[ Thunderbird Address Book GroupDAV Connector ]

Synchronizing contacts with Thunderbird was also an important feature
to have for SOGo. Thus, we created the Thunderbird Address Book
GroupDAV Connector. It allows you to create any number of address
books and synchronize them with any GroupDAV-based server. The plugin
not only supports SOGo, but also OpenGroupware.org (OGo) and Citadel.

[ Mozilla Thunderbird / Lightning ]

Perfect integration with Mozilla Thunderbird and Lighthing is also one
of our goals. In order to acheive that, we created a small extension
for Lighthing so it better integrates with SOGo (but in fact, with any
standards-compliant groupware servers). While all the calendaring part
is handled by the CalDAV provider, this extension allows us to have
Free/Busy support from Lightning and very soon, basic preferences

You can learn more about those projects by visiting our website at
http://inverse.ca (section "contributions")

The website also contains plenty of screenshots of all projects.

We also completed many pilot projects with the solution and all its

Feedback and comments are more than welcome. You can do so by sending
a mail either to this list or to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gnustep-dev mailing list

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