While compiling -gui I get the following error:

what is going wrong ?? I see an error but no source of it !

 Compiling file GSspell.m ...
 Linking service GSspell ...
/usr/bin/ld: warning: type and size of dynamic symbol `__objc_class_name_NSSpellServer' are not defined /usr/bin/ld: warning: type and size of dynamic symbol `__objc_class_name_NSMutableArray' are not defined /usr/bin/ld: warning: type and size of dynamic symbol `__objc_class_name_NSObject' are not defined /usr/bin/ld: warning: type and size of dynamic symbol `__objc_class_name_NXConstantString' are not defined /usr/bin/ld: warning: type and size of dynamic symbol `__objc_class_name_NSAutoreleasePool' are not defined /usr/bin/ld: warning: type and size of dynamic symbol `__objc_class_name_NSData' are not defined
 Creating GSspell.service/Resources...
 Creating GSspell.service/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist...
make[2]: *** [GSspell.service/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist] Error 1
make[1]: *** [GSspell.all.service.variables] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/multix/gnt/gnustep-gui-0.13.0/Tools'
make: *** [internal-all] Error 2


PS: actually I think I found the problem. Just launching "pl2link" causes a segmentation fault.

a trace is:

#0  0x00000000 in ?? ()
#1 0x0fc416fc in _c_NSAutoreleasePool__new (self=0xfe731b4, _cmd=0xff5f1a0)
    at NSAutoreleasePool.m:143
#2 0x0fd01120 in NSLogv (format=0xffc4ea0, args=0x7fffea90) at NSLog.m:289
#3  0x0fd01064 in NSLog (format=0xffc4ea0) at NSLog.m:253
#4  0x0fe390bc in internal_unicode_enc () at Unicode.m:111
#5  0x0fe394b8 in GSSetupEncodingTable () at Unicode.m:319
#6  0x0fe3e004 in GSPrivateDefaultCStringEncoding () at Unicode.m:2025
#7  0x0fc061a8 in setup () at GSString.m:261
#8 0x0fc08a48 in _c_GSString__initialize (self=0xfe6b068, _cmd=0xff9fc40)
    at GSString.m:2693
#9 0x0f952d90 in __objc_send_initialize (class=0xfe6b068) at sendmsg.c:385 #10 0x0f952c7c in __objc_send_initialize (class=0xfe6af3c) at sendmsg.c:358 #11 0x0f952ac4 in __objc_init_install_dtable (receiver=0xfe6af3c, op=0xfe6bbe0)
    at sendmsg.c:327
#12 0x0f9525c4 in objc_msg_lookup (receiver=0xfe6af3c, op=0xfe6bbe0)
    at sendmsg.c:233
#13 0x0fc11e6c in _c_NXConstantString__initialize (self=0xfe6a100,
    _cmd=0xff9fc40) at GSString.m:4803
#14 0x0f952d90 in __objc_send_initialize (class=0xfe6a100) at sendmsg.c:385 #15 0x0f952a2c in __objc_init_install_dtable (receiver=0xffa03fc, op=0xff60aac)
    at sendmsg.c:316
#16 0x0f9525c4 in objc_msg_lookup (receiver=0xffa03fc, op=0xff60aac)
    at sendmsg.c:233
#17 0x0fd07368 in _i_NSNotificationCenter__addObserver_selector_name_object_ ( self=0x1003b858, _cmd=0xffad244, observer=0x10020670, selector=0xffad23c,
    name=0xffa03fc, object=0x0) at NSNotificationCenter.m:711
#18 0x0fe0b564 in _i_GSLazyRecursiveLock__init (self=0x10020670,
    _cmd=0xff67008) at GSLock.m:251
#19 0x0fd1c268 in _c_NSObject__new (self=0xffacfe4, _cmd=0xffa8e20)
    at NSObject.m:1268
#20 0x0fdfd91c in _c__GSLockInitializer__initialize (self=0xffa8710,
    _cmd=0xff9fc40) at GSCategories.m:1425
#21 0x0f952d90 in __objc_send_initialize (class=0xffa8710) at sendmsg.c:385 #22 0x0f952ac4 in __objc_init_install_dtable (receiver=0xffa8710, op=0xffa8e30)
    at sendmsg.c:327
#23 0x0f9525c4 in objc_msg_lookup (receiver=0xffa8710, op=0xffa8e30)
    at sendmsg.c:233
#24 0x0fdfded4 in newLockAt (self=0xffad0cc, _cmd=0xffc4abc,
    location=0xffed988) at GSCategories.m:1445
#25 0x0fdfd974 in _c_NSLock_GSCategories_newLockAt_ (self=0xffad0cc,
    _cmd=0xffc4abc, location=0xffed988) at GSCategories.m:1465
#26 0x0fe39230 in GSSetupEncodingTable () at Unicode.m:261
#27 0x0fe3e004 in GSPrivateDefaultCStringEncoding () at Unicode.m:2025
#28 0x0fd845cc in _c_NSString__initialize (self=0xff85a64, _cmd=0xff9fc40)
    at NSString.m:570
#29 0x0f952d90 in __objc_send_initialize (class=0xff85a64) at sendmsg.c:385 #30 0x0f952ac4 in __objc_init_install_dtable (receiver=0xff85a64, op=0xff66fd8)
    at sendmsg.c:327
#31 0x0f9525c4 in objc_msg_lookup (receiver=0xff85a64, op=0xff66fd8)
    at sendmsg.c:233
#32 0x0fd1bfe0 in _c_NSObject__initialize (self=0xff66ef4, _cmd=0xff9fc40)
    at NSObject.m:1133
#33 0x0f952d90 in __objc_send_initialize (class=0xff66ef4) at sendmsg.c:385 #34 0x0f952c7c in __objc_send_initialize (class=0xfe731b4) at sendmsg.c:358
#35 0x0f952ac4 in __objc_init_install_dtable (receiver=0xfe731b4,
    op=0x1001173c) at sendmsg.c:327
#36 0x0f9525c4 in objc_msg_lookup (receiver=0xfe731b4, op=0x1001173c)
    at sendmsg.c:233
#37 0x10000a70 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7ffff664, env=0x7ffff66c)
    at pl2link.m:49
#38 0x0f5d15fc in __libc_start_main () from /lib/libc.so.6

any ideas? This is my older box where the glibc doesn't have the widechar support. May it be because of this, Richard?


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