Stefan Bidigaray wrote:
> My questions:
> 1) I still haven't figured out how I'm going to count how many minutes
> it's been since the last even, and much less how to even find out if
> events have happened.  Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?

This is easy. If your tool already uses an NSApplication, just subclass
this and have your own class do special things at the end of the
nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue: method. (sendEvent:
would also do)

> 2) I also have no idea how to figure if, once the screen saver is on,
> how to stop if when something happens (mouse move, key stroke, mouse
> click).  I've looked at the docs for NSView and there doesn't seem to be
> any methods that would make this easy.  What can I do here?

Again this method does the job for you. If you set up an periodic event,
you even get that.

> 3) Once the preference module is completed and working, I'll need to
> have gssaver check the defaults after the preferences change, is there
> anyway I can send it a message asking it to check the defaults fromt the
> preference module?

The other way around. The screen saver has to register to get change
notifications from the defaults. This is how NSColor does it:

      [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
        addObserver: self
        selector: @selector(defaultsDidChange:)
        name: NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification
        object: nil];

> 4) Lastly, I'll need a lot of help creating ScreenSaverDefaults, but
> only later.  I've check NSUserDefaults' code and I'm more confused now
> than I was when I started out.  I figured for this, the best thing would
> be to create a new file (ScreenSaverDefaults) under the Defaults
> directory.  NSUserDefaults, however, seems to be very picky about there
> being a process running and writing to that process.

You should just not worry about your settings being in a separate file
or not. GNUstep currently stores all defaults in one file, which btw I
do not like. All you need to do is to get and set your values from/in
[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] and things should work as expected.

> After it's all said and done I'd like to add this to GNUstep as I think
> it would make more sense being distributed by it (much like
> SystemPreferences and it's NSPreferencePane implementation).  I already
> have a copyright assignment, so it shouldn't be a problem.


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