
I did some testing on a Sparc64 running NetBSD 4.0

It seems like threads are not working here. We should have some automated test 
script that runs this in 
the test farm script.

David Wetzel

Starting program: 
gstep: Command not found.
2008-01-02 21:07:06.177 thread[8956] Start in main
/Net/alice/Users/dave/projects/testfarm/core/base/Testing/obj/thread: Uncaught 
exception NSInternalInconsistencyException, reason: Unable to detach thread 
(perhaps No such file or directory)

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0x0000000041a50010 in abort () from /usr/lib/libc.so.12
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0000000041a50010 in abort () from /usr/lib/libc.so.12
#1  0x0000000040765dd4 in _terminate () at NSException.m:692
#2  0x00000000407661ac in _NSFoundationUncaughtExceptionHandler 
(exception=0x31c750) at NSException.m:719
#3  0x0000000040766e54 in -[NSException raise] (self=0x31c750, _cmd=0x40ba4d10) 
at NSException.m:859
#4  0x00000000407664a4 in +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] 
(self=0x40ba4928, _cmd=0x40ba4ce0, name=0x40ba44e8, format=0x40be2ff0, 
    argList=0xffffffffffffb490) at NSException.m:762
#5  0x000000004076635c in +[NSException raise:format:] (self=0x40ba4928, 
_cmd=0x40be3808, name=0x40ba44e8, format=0x40be2ff0) at NSException.m:748
#6  0x0000000040892f58 in -[NSThread start] (self=0x326590, _cmd=0x40be3a38) at 
#7  0x0000000040891540 in +[NSThread 
detachNewThreadSelector:toTarget:withObject:] (self=0x40be37a0, _cmd=0x207768, 
aSelector=0x207758, aTarget=0x292f50, 
    anArgument=0x292f30) at NSThread.m:559
#8  0x0000000000101f50 in gnustep_base_user_main (argc=1, 
argv=0xffffffffffffb868, env=0xffffffffffffb878) at thread.m:83
#9  0x000000004081f1e0 in main (argc=1, argv=0xffffffffffffb868, 
env=0xffffffffffffb878) at NSProcessInfo.m:913
#10 0x00000000001010fc in ___start ()
#11 0x000000004030412c in _rtld_start () from /usr/libexec/ld.elf_so
#12 0x000000004030412c in _rtld_start () from /usr/libexec/ld.elf_so
Previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)

Starting program: 
gstep: Command not found.
We run 10 threads.
Some of them might not raise exceptions,
but the exception associated with each thread must match.
There's a runaway exception!  Something is wrong!

Program exited normally.

 Uncaught exception NSInternalInconsistencyException, reason: Unable to detach 
thread (perhaps No such file or directory)

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0x0000000041a50010 in abort () from /usr/lib/libc.so.12
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0000000041a50010 in abort () from /usr/lib/libc.so.12
#1  0x0000000040765dd4 in _terminate () at NSException.m:692
#2  0x00000000407661ac in _NSFoundationUncaughtExceptionHandler 
(exception=0x31e290) at NSException.m:719
#3  0x0000000040766e54 in -[NSException raise] (self=0x31e290, _cmd=0x40ba4d10) 
at NSException.m:859
#4  0x00000000407664a4 in +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] 
(self=0x40ba4928, _cmd=0x40ba4ce0, name=0x40ba44e8, format=0x40be2ff0, 
    argList=0xffffffffffffb460) at NSException.m:762
#5  0x000000004076635c in +[NSException raise:format:] (self=0x40ba4928, 
_cmd=0x40be3808, name=0x40ba44e8, format=0x40be2ff0) at NSException.m:748
#6  0x0000000040892f58 in -[NSThread start] (self=0x2f0090, _cmd=0x40be3a38) at 
#7  0x0000000040891540 in +[NSThread 
detachNewThreadSelector:toTarget:withObject:] (self=0x40be37a0, _cmd=0x206ad8, 
aSelector=0x206ab8, aTarget=0x293010, 
    anArgument=0x293730) at NSThread.m:559
#8  0x0000000000101d64 in gnustep_base_user_main () at diningPhilosophers.m:141
#9  0x000000004081f1e0 in main (argc=1, argv=0xffffffffffffb858, 
env=0xffffffffffffb868) at NSProcessInfo.m:913
#10 0x00000000001010dc in ___start ()
#11 0x000000004030412c in _rtld_start () from /usr/libexec/ld.elf_so
#12 0x000000004030412c in _rtld_start () from /usr/libexec/ld.elf_so
Previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)

Starting program: 
gstep: Command not found.
 Test                                            time (sec)      index
  Baseline: 10 method calls                       0.273           1.000
  Class: 10 class method calls                    0.865           3.172
  Category: 10 super calls                        0.682           2.499
  Function: 10 NSClassFromStr                     4.191          15.365
  Function: 1 zone alloc/free                     0.237           0.870
  Function: 1 zone2alloc/free                     0.237           0.871
  Function: 1 def alloc/free                      0.170           0.623
  NSObject: 1 zone all/init/rel                   0.556           2.037
  NSObject: 1 zone2all/init/rel                   0.482           1.767
  NSObject: 1 def all/init/rel                    0.613           2.247
  NSObject: 10 retain/rel                         0.811           2.975
  NSObject: 10 autorel/ret                        1.459           5.348
  ObjC: 10 inst responds to sel                   0.479           1.757
  ObjC: 10 objc_mutex_lock/unl                    0.328           1.201
  NSLock: 10 lock/unlock                          0.927           3.397

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00000000406bef34 in +[NSAutoreleasePool new] (self=Cannot access memory at 
address 0x87f
) at NSAutoreleasePool.m:143
143     {
Current language:  auto; currently objective-c
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00000000406bef34 in +[NSAutoreleasePool new] (self=Cannot access memory 
at address 0x87f
) at NSAutoreleasePool.m:143
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