Xavier Glattard wrote:
> I just made some small changes in CairoContext.m
> The zip file has been updated :
>   http://amstradstuff.free.fr/GNUstep/back-win32cairo.zip
> Cairo backend and Cairo/Glitz backend can be build and run.
> With Calculator and Gorm:
>   Cairo backend : 
>     Text is Ok. Most bitmaps are ugly (transparency ?).
>     With Gorm : many error log from GNUstep and Cairo. A black window.
>   Glitz backend :
>     everything is display in ONE window...
> I can put all this highly experimental stuff in the repository 
> if you thing that may be useful.

Just before you put it into SVN, could you please rewrite all the
licenses to be LGPL 3 and remove the Windows line endings from the headers?

Otherwise putting that code into SVN would be fine by me. Perhaps we
should add a big warning that it is unsupported and currently not working?

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