On Mar 3, 2008, at 5:30 PM, Nicola Pero wrote:

PS: The variables used to specify C++ and ObjC++ flags in gnustep- make are currently called CCFLAGS and OBJCCFLAGS (eg, ADDITIONAL_CCFLAGS, etc), not CXXFLAGS
and OBJCXXFLAGS.  Not sure why.  If CXXFLAGS and OBJCXXFLAGS are more
"natural" to C++ developers, we could set up a new terminology I guess; it would also be nice to be consistent with the new CXX variable used for the C++ compiler (I couldn't use CC there since it's already in use for the C/ObjC
compiler). ;-)

Oh, yeah, I was just talking about vanilla gmake--those are the variables used by its built-in rules (see gmake -p). I was not too familiar with what gnustep-make actually uses. I guess it doesn't matter, as long as you don't rely on the built-in rules. Sorry for the confusion, and thanks for clarifying this.


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