Thanks Tim!

Tim McIntosh schrieb:

> Thanks!  It works with the new patch below, i.e., check for NULL.  I
> forgot to mention that it appears that forward:: is neither called nor
> implemented by NSObject under 10.5.  It is implemented and called under
> 10.4.

Great!  Committed!

>>>    // Used only in EOFault.m, -[EOFault forward::], for Object
>>> compatibility
>>>    @interface NSInvocation(GSCompatibility)
>>>    - (retval_t) returnFrame:(arglist_t)args;
>>>    - (id) initWithArgframe:(arglist_t)args selector:(SEL)selector;
>>>    @end


> The comment shown above is from the actual code in SVN, though I don't
> know if it is true.  I deleted these methods in my copy and have not
> noticed any problems, but that's not saying much.

Well I currently don't have all GNUstep related projects checked out so
I can't easily grep.  I'll assume that Richard put that comment in there.

Richard, feel free to remove that category in the unstable branch at
your leisure (if that's ok with everyone wrt ABI/API compatibility).


PS: I've just committed some NSProxy tests (that would effect EOFault
just the same) which has some issues with the GSFinePoint (NSPoint with
doubles instead of floats) and GSBitFields (imaginary stress-test type)
in my setup.

I still want to add test for passing NSDecimal as values (which is
generally not done so any failures there should also be taken with a
grain of salt).

I would suspect the GSBitFields will break everywhere since it looks
like an error during the parsing of the method signature.

I currently don't have the time to look into it though.  So don't hold
your breath.  But I thought it would be nice start to check
libffi/ffcall coverage.

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