Tim McIntosh schrieb:
> On Mar 13, 2008, at 12:03 PM, David Ayers wrote:
> One thing I've noticed while looking at GNUstep is some strange ways of
> doing things, like this, where it is not immediately evident why the
> normal pattern/idiom is not being used.  It would be nice if all such
> things were clearly commented, so that it would be easier to know that
> the oddity was intentional rather than accidental.  For instance in
> GSWeb I see occurrences of the following, which I had convinced myself
> is wrong:
> +(void)dealloc
> {
>   ...
>   [[self superclass]dealloc];  // should be [super dealloc]
> }

That's a class method.  Classes do not get dealloced.  They also don't
get +init'ed.

This is either dead code or it seems like a misleading name for cache
handling that has to be invoked with [[GSApp class] init] / [[GSApp
class] dealloc].

Hello Manuel,

Can these methods be removed from GSWApplication.m?


  id ret=[[self superclass]init];
  [GSWAssociation addLogHandlerClasse:[self class]];
  return ret;


  [GSWAssociation removeLogHandlerClasse:[self class]];
  [[self superclass]dealloc];


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