Aren't you effectively writing code when you create the XML by hand?
Gregory Casamento -- Principal Consultant - OLC, Inc 
# GNUstep Chief Maintainer

----- Original Message ----
From: Xavier Glattard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Gregory John Casamento <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Xavier Glattard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Nicola Pero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Fred 
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2008 6:28:52 PM
Subject: Re: bindings and Renaissance

Selon Gregory John Casamento <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> One thing that springs immediately to mind is the connector classes for
> Binding.   They have to be finished.   Are you going to be using these in
> Renaissance?   Do you currently use the existing connector classes?
> Mostly curious. :)
> Gregory Casamento -- Principal Consultant - OLC, Inc
> # GNUstep Chief Maintainer

I don't currently use any other connector, i'm new to Renaissance, but i'll work
on it.

Well... i'm lazy
Renaissance is a tool to build a gui without code.
Bindings are tools to bind a gui to a model without code.
I'm looking to Core Data that is a tool to build model without code.

So : yes i would like to use Bindings in Renaissance.

I would like to get a full RAD environment with GNUstep that allows to build an
application without... you know what. Only XML.

And if i really need some code i might use steptalk.

  lazy dreamer ^_^

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