On 9 May 2008, at 08:13, Fred Kiefer wrote:

I agree, this is a great answer. Still before we put it into the FAQ we may need to extend it a bit.

There are of course two main interface classes between gui and back one of them is GSDisplayServer, the one that has been talked about and the other is NSGraphicsContext. The later does the actual drawing whereas the former manages windows and events. This separation is just great to have multiple graphics backends like art, xlib and cairo share the same x11 display server. (OK, there is room for improvement on this in our current implementation, but there always is)

We may also want to point out that there is already theming code out there, written by Chrstopher Armstrong, that does the drawing of controls with native Windows functionality. Perhaps later this year, when the new theming framework is in place it will be possible to make a clean release of that theme.

As for the drawing into a native window, there is the method initWithWindowRef: on NSWindow, which will create a GNUstep window from a native window reference. Allowing you to carefully create an NSView at the right place to draw into. This functionality requires a method on the display server that is currently not implemented on MS Window, but should be easy to add. (The only complex bit will be the GWL_USERDATA)

I already added it, but yes, I'm sure it can be improved. Please go ahead and edit my original as you see fit.
It's at http://wiki.gnustep.org/index.php/User_FAQ

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