
There is one thing I should do before a new back release, that is test with cairo 1.6.4 to see how to avoid the black bars that have been reported. I hope to do this on the weekend, after that a release should be possible. Just one more question: Are we all confident that the big changes I made to NSWindow and GSLayoutManager are now stable enough? They work perfectly for me, but that isn't a real test.

Can we officially deprecate the x11 back end in this release and recommend Cairo? The OpenBSD package, for example, uses the x11 back end and I don't think this gives people the best impression of GNUstep. I've been using Cairo since AlpenStep last year and after Fred fixed a few bugs about a month later I've had no problems with it at all.

Has anybody managed to get GNUstep/Cairo working on Solaris??



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