I've tested out the latest snapshot of GNUstep on Windows, and it seems to work well. Although I did not test it extensively. Does anyone know of a drawing program that could compile on GNUstep? That might be a good test.

I even compiled the cairo backend, and that works much better than it previously did. Although image transparency does not seem to work and at some point, a window will turn completely black, and I'll get the error:

2008-06-12 14:07:39.912 Gorm[760] Cairo status 'out of memory' in copy

and after I quit the program, I get:

_cairo_win32_surface_set_clip_region: The handle is invalid.
_cairo_win32_surface_set_clip_region: The handle is invalid.
_cairo_win32_surface_set_clip_region: The handle is invalid.
_cairo_win32_surface_fill_rectangles: The handle is invalid.
_cairo_win32_surface_set_clip_region: The handle is invalid.
_cairo_win32_surface_fill_rectangles: The handle is invalid.
_cairo_win32_surface_fill_rectangles: The handle is invalid.
_cairo_win32_surface_set_clip_region: The handle is invalid.

I won't have time to look at this until after I'm back, but I think all the basic parts we need for a release are in great shape.

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