Am Sonntag, den 26.10.2008, 22:07 +0100 schrieb David Wetzel:
> > David Wetzel wrote:
> > > add [+NSPropertyListSerialization 
> > > dataFromPropertyList:format:errorDescription:] 
> > > to base-additions, call the Apple implementation if format != 
> > > NSPropertyListOpenStepFormat
> > > if code runs on Apple.
> > What I cannot understand is your proposed solution to this problem. We
> > should replace the method in the GNUstep extensions, but still call the
> > Apple version of the same method in some cases? There may be way to do
> > this, but this is clearly a dangerous proposal.
> Why? It will do the same like on a GNUstep or OPENSTEP system.
> > Wouldn't it be easier to just convert property lists written on new Macs
> > to be used on old installations of EOModeler? GNUstep should be able to
> > do that conversion.
> I want to run on OSX and read + write .eomodeld files in a 
> format all original 
> EOModelers understand. Otherwise DBModeler is useless.

Let me put that into perspective.  DBModeler is would not be useless if
we changed the plist format.

Yet it could not be used to write EOModel files that are understood by
WO45 anymore, and the reason why some of us are so picky about WO45
compatibility, is that we still have deployments with WO45 so we need to
test within a WO45 development environment to insure compatibility.

Now to a possible resolution.  Instead of a category overriding
Foundations implementation of NSPropertyListSerialization
dataFromPropertyList:format:errorDescription: I'm wondering whether a
category like:


would be acceptable for -base-additions...

I guess we could also put in GDL2-EOControl if no one else feels a need
to be able to write old style property lists... on OS X that is, since
-base does still support that format an hopefully will continue to do


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