The -initWithCoder: method of GSTextViewTemplate in GSNibTemplates invokes the -initWithFrame:textContainer: initializer on self if the custom subclass of NSTextView implements that method. Unfortunately, this leads to a double initialization of instances and, in particular, any customization applied to the text view in the Gorm file will be lost. If anybody is relying on this weird semantics, I just wanted to inform you that I intend to remove that code, since it is definitely wrong (and neither compatible with the Cocoa
documentation nor Apple's implementation). The correct way to initialize
custom subclasses of NSTextView loaded from a nib file is either via
-awakeFromNib or by providing a palette for Interface Builder so that the additional attributes of the custom class can be changed and archived. (Is
this possible in Gorm?)

Similar code is present in GSViewTemplate, GSTextTemplate, GSMenuTemplate, GSControlTemplate, and GSObjectTemplate and I intend to remove that, too.


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