On 12 Jan 2009, at 14:30, Fred Kiefer wrote:

Hi Richard,

could you please explain the background of these changes?

Various changes to fixup building for GC, mostly because the current code had bit-rotted over the years to a point where it wouldn't even compile. The vast majority of changes (including the ones you are specifically asking about) were just to avoid compiler warnings though, not to fix real errors. For the avoidance of confusion, I like things to compile without warnings.

From looking
at them I get the impression that our current system of using RETAIN,
RELEASE etc macros doesn't help much in the case of GC, now this was the
main reason to stick with those macros (The ASSGIN macro is different,
that one is valuable in itself).

They help a lot ... but are not a cure-all. Mostly, where you use RETAIN() or AUTORELEASE() you are using the return value, so the GC versions reduce to a reference to a variable or expression. If however, you use them on an empty line then the compiler may warn because the return value is unused, which is what the IF_NO_GC() macro was designed to avoid, but of course we've forgotten to use it in a lot of places.

Do you have a proposal of what we
should do in the future instead?

Not really ... just do what we've always done ... generally avoid using retain or autorelease except where we are going to use their return value, and use IF_NO_GC() or '#if !GS_WITH_GC' for chunks of code we want to avoid compiling when using garbage collection.

My impression from a short glance at your changes is that lines like
RETAIN(anObject); give compiler warnings about unused values when


Should we introduce a new macro that wont return a result?

I don't think there's any point doing that ... it's what IF_NO_GC() is for.

What I don't like is spreading around code like
IF_NO_GC([anObject retain];)
This looks strange with the semicolon inside the brackets.

Oh, well you can put the semicolon outside the bracket if you prefer. I guess that's an aesthetic issue.


evaluates to 'X;' or an empty line


evaluates to 'X;' or ';'

In most cases it makes no real difference to the compiler, though you do have to take care that you use the second form in places where it matters whether there is a statement or not.

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