On 4 Feb 2009, at 18:53, Gregory Casamento wrote:

In some cases on Mac OS X I have observed that exceptions which are not fatal on Mac sometimes ARE fatal on GNUstep. I believe we should change the logic which deals with exceptions to add a "continue" button and only show the panel when the application is running in debug mode. This would allow the application to continue when recovery is possible.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

I think the panel is shown when there is an UNCAUGHT exception.
If the exception has not been caught, there is nowhere to return to and no way to continue ... so adding a continue button and returning from the uncaught exception handler would not allow the application to continue.

If you want an exception to not be fatal, you have to write code to handle it and continue.

Sometimes you might think you can continue running, but know that the app probably won't be doing what the user expects. In this situation it makes sense to display an alert panel explaining the nature of the problem, and allow the user to choose between continuing and cleanly terminating. This however is a very different case from the panel shown when the uncaught exception handler is called.

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