The following comment from the Apple documentation might be relevant here:

"Note: For performance reasons, Cocoa does not enforce clipping among sibling views or guarantee correct invalidation and drawing behavior when sibling views overlap. If you want a view to be drawn in front of another view, you should make the front view a subview (or descendant) of the rear view." /apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40002978-CH4-SW16

We may decide we're happy with that behaviour too, and document this as not working ;-)

It would still be good to get this working on GNUstep ... in which case, we probably need to review the algorithm used to draw the subviews to make sure the sibling subview order is respected when drawing.

I would say that the algorithm followed by GUI must be incorrect in the case of overlapping siblings - while a normal floating point mismatch in computing areas that need drawing could result in some areas being redrawn unnecessarily, I fail to see how it could cause a major part of a view to be drawn *above* the views above it, as in the screenshot ... unless there is an error in the drawing logic. But possibly making it correct for overlapping siblings might make it too expensive in the normal case of nested views ? (that's what the Apple documentation suggests)

Anyway Matt is probably right that the situation of overlapping subviews (where views are swapped up/down by using the subview
sorting function) has never been actually used/tested. :-(

I guess someone would need to spend enough time to understand the code fully ;-)


On 23 Feb 2009, at 10:34, Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

While I have some sympathy with Matt's view below (that changing the behavior of NSEqualRects() is a simple/elegant fix for his problem), I'm not sure it's the right thing to do.

Clearly, with an exact test for equality, rectangles (and points and sizes) are not going to compare as equal once they have been through a few coordinate mappings (eg when we convert from one view to another).

That obviously seems to make a case for using slightly fuzzy comparisons, but MacOS-X seems to use exact comparisons, just like our existing code, so changing our implementation might break things which depend on exact matching, and might get us complaints/bug reports from anyone converting from MacOS-X to GNUstep.

It seems to me that what we should really be doing is keeping our calculations as exact as possible, but doing appropriate fuzzy comparisons when we are trying to match rectangles and point coordinates. However, the nature of an 'appropriate' comparison could vary depending on the device/context we are drawing to. If we are working in an abstract 'points' based coordinate system, but that is going to be converted to a screen or a printer with a specific resolution, we must take care to use appropriate rounding (not so fuzzy that the end result is out by a pixcel for instance).

Should we be using private functions to do fuzzy comparisons rather than using NSEqual... functions,
eg. GSAlmostEqualRects(r1, r2, precision)
where we adjust the precision depending on the drawing context?

Or is Matt's solution, with a fixed precision (assumed to be fine enough for all real world output devices) better?

Begin forwarded message:

From: Matt Rice <>
Date: 23 February 2009 08:57:32 GMT
To: Richard Frith-Macdonald <>
Cc: GNUstep Developer <>
Subject: Re: NSView patch

On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 10:59 PM, Richard Frith-Macdonald
<> wrote:

On 22 Feb 2009, at 21:31, Matt Rice wrote:

On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 8:29 AM, Matt Rice <> wrote:

this just makes debugging a bit easier if you guys want it...

bug #25658 appears to be a bug in the NSView display stuff,
because some random subset of a views subviews which don't need display are getting drawRect: called multiple times through _handleAutodisplay
even though they needs_display = NO;
with overlapping subviews this causes views which are below other
views to be drawn above views which are above them.
and its kind of a pain to debug when this flag is being set all over the

and here is a fix for the bug i was tracking down....

Please can you explain how this fixes the bug (what the actual bug is). The reason I ask is that, though the idea of making NSEqualRects() consider slightly different rects to be equal seems fairly reasonable, it does not
seem to be how it's implemented on MacOS-X.
I found this by writing some tests to determine, by trial and error, the largest difference between two constants that was still considered equal in NSEqualPoints(), NSEqualSizes() and NSEqualRects() on MacOS-X, then changed the code on GNUstep to make it easy to set a breakpoint and examine the actual float values used. When I did that I found that the point where values began to be considered equal was the point where the compiler made the two constants into identical floats. ie. MacOS-X seems to be doing the same as our existing implementation and testing for exact float equality.

If making NSEqualRects() fuzzy about its test for equality fixes your
problem, perhaps the issue is in the way the function is being used

the bug is that in NSView.m ~2400 in my patched version
the first place that _rFlags.needs_display is set to NO, in
inside of the if (NSEqualRects(...) == YES) call
if the 2 rects differ slightly such as 169.9999996... and 170 the view
will never be set as not needing display

then when it gets back to the super-view, a couple of the subviews are
still marked as needing display
so it goes through and draws those again, and subviews appear drawn
outside of the order of _sub_views.
set with the sortSubviewsUsingFunction:context:

then when the subviews handle mouse events, the view which receives
the mouse event is not the view which you appear to be clicking on,
but a view below it in the _sub_view order
leading to the behaviour in the screenshot. file_id=17494
attached to

attached are some gdb logs (sources modified a bit for convenience)
$1 $2 and $3 are
aRect, neededRect, and NSUnionRect(neededRect, aRect)
in that order.

it also shows the drawRect: being called twice,
why the actual values slightly differ i hadn't tried to figure out as
I just figured NSEqualRects should handle it (and pretty much still
but I can tell you it is non-deterministic, the same view with the
same width/height moved to 2 different locations by setting the frame
origin may cause it to start exhibiting the behaviour even though the
width/height never changed.

so it is possible that this may be a common issue but since most views
do not overlap the multiple calls to drawRect: went unnoticed.
i'll try reproducing it with Gorm, and see how that goes...

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