David Chisnall a e'crit :
On 10 Mar 2009, at 16:49, Xavier Glattard wrote:

I'm sorry, i still can't see any problem.

I'll try to explain this in simple words then:

- If two classes use this mechanism in the same inheritance chain, then they will have overlapping ivars, unless you add even more complicated code to work around this. Complicated code leads to debugging problems.

- Third-party classes expect the extra bytes mechanism to work. Your idea breaks NSAllocateObject() on any subclass of a class that uses this mechanism. If class A uses this mechanism, and (third-party) class B subclasses A then calling NSAllocateObject() with some extra bytes on B will appear to work, right up until you call a method inherited from A which tramples over the data you've tried to store after B's instance.

- Accesses to these extra ivars require an extra layer of indirection which will be as slower than non-fragile ivars and much slower than normal ivars.

- Some things rely on being able to introspect the ivars using runtime functions, your idea breaks this.

In short, it is a vaguely academically-interesting idea, but is not suitable for general use and would cause far more pain than it would eliminate. It is fragile and even if it works initially it will eventually result in code that is unmaintainable.


I understand your arguments, and I thank you for your efforts to use simple words for my simple mind. But once again my suggestion was for internal use only, as the external ivars are today. Where external ivars works, my system should work (maybe with some minor modifications).
That was just an idea. Take it or leave it.

-- Regards
--- Xavier

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