Am 24.03.2009 um 09:07 schrieb Fred Kiefer:

The other change is to give up a special behaviour in GNUstep. Apple documents that calls to [NSView setNeedsDisplay:] (and setNeedsDisplayInRect:) only work as expected on the main thread. GNUstep has some code that lets these methods do their work on a secondary thread as well.

Isn't this a serious enhancement over Cocoa? As far as I can see, there's nothing stopping you from writing Cocoa-compatible code with GNUstep, so I'm not sure wether it's wise to introduce limitations just to enhance portability slightly. Any chance for a #ifdef COCOA_COMPATIBILITY compile time flag or even a runtime check (global flag which NSLog()'s a warning if set and this feature is used)?

just $ 0.02,

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Dipl. Ing. Markus Hitter

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