> We have an implementation of a blocks runtime (minus support for GC)
> in =C9toil=E9's ObjectiveC2.framework, but now Apple has released theirs
> under a BSD-style license.

Very interesting - whait's this 'libgcc replacement' they are
talking about ? wil that include the Obj-C runtime too ? It
would seem odd to put the OPbj-C block code elsewhere from the
rest of the langauge runtime.

BTW, for those people out there who havent tried llvm and clang
I suggest you go take it for a test drive. I've been experimenting
with it for a while now, and it looks "future shaped" to me
anyway ;-) It always looks like Davids announcements of llvm
stuff on here seem to go unremarked, and maybe people aren't
actually using it...


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