On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 4:30 AM, Fred Kiefer <fredkie...@gmx.de> wrote:

> why do you expect the next release to break ABI compatibility? What I
> wanted to do is a bug fix release and this is why I restricted myself to
> non ABI breaking changes. Looking back through the ChangeLog file I
> noticed that Greg has added an attached sheet ivar to NSWindow, this
> will break ABI even though there still is no functionality behind that
> ivar.

I was mainly thinking of this when I said that, but I guess that won't be in
the release, then.  Nevermind what I said before if the plan is to just make
a stable release!

Anyway, I just wanted to make sure there was still going to be a release.
I'll be putting the code up in Etoile's code review site sometime this
weekend... should give everyone time to check it out and comment before an
actual SVN commit.  It works fairly well with my test app, but it's fairly
simple and there's some fuctionality that I just simply cannot test due to
libao's API (volume, channel mapping, etc).

PS: I'll let everyone know when the code is the code review site.

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